
50 pages 1 hour read

Casey McQuiston

One Last Stop

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Chapters 13-17Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

At first, it seems like Jane isn’t on the train, and August starts to think that it’s too late. However, she spots her, and they run toward one another. They each apologize. Jane reveals that she’s been keeping a list of things from her present, just as August has been keeping notebooks of Jane’s memories. She’s open to the idea of staying. They decide to be together until they aren’t, whether that means Jane remaining in the present or her going back to the past. They don’t know what will happen.

The next day, August explains what she learned from Jerry. It comes back to Jane, who remembers rescuing him in 1977. She got him back onto the platform and then tripped and must have fallen onto the third rail, which normally would have killed her. However, it was at the moment of the power surge. It was what threw her out of time.

August gives the postcard back to Jane, revealing that she thinks Augie sent it. When Jane first received it in 1976, she called the number on it and discovered that he was alive. He’d missed his shift at the bar that night, but when he learned what happened, he felt so sick that he left. When he finally made it to California and got his life together, he asked her to come back to San Francisco. August asks if she knows why Augie stopped writing to Suzette. Jane says that he was still writing to Suzette but had never heard back. August realizes that her grandparents must have kept the letters from Suzette.

August’s life becomes consumed by the fundraiser and by thinking about how they can access the city’s power lines to the Q. She resolves to explain everything to her mom when she’s ready.

One day, she arrives home, and Myla explains that she found out an old classmate of hers works at the Transit Power Control Center: her ex-boyfriend, the one she broke up with to start dating Niko. She suggests that they convince the city to let them use the Control Center as a venue for the Billy’s fundraiser. While everyone is distracted by the party, Myla could access the line.

In addition, they discover that Jane can just walk on the third rail of the subway without being injured, which is key for their plan. Then, August and Jane take turns telling each other things the other doesn’t know, starting small until Jane says she wonders if she was thrown out of time because she never really belonged anywhere. August responds with her own confession, telling Jane that after Hurricane Katrina she convinced herself that “‘because the statistical likelihood of something happening in real life exactly the way I imagined it was so low, if I imagined the worst possible things in vivid details, I could mathematically reduce the odds of them happening’” (335-36). She adds, “’‘I don’t know if I ever really broke the habit’” (336)

They imagine Jane returning to the 1970s. The first thing she’d do is go back to California. August thinks she’d be married by now, and Jane says that it would mean she was wishing she were someone else. If Jane stays in the present, the first thing August would do is take Jane home.

August stays on the train late into the night, and they find an empty subway car and have sex. August thinks that she finally understands love, “[t]he whole shape of it. What it means to touch someone like this and want to have a life with them at the same time” (340). She doesn’t know what she’ll do if Jane goes back to the 1970s, but she doesn’t say it.

Chapter 14 Summary

Myla meets up with her ex, Gabe, who’s still in love with her. He got his job because his uncle helps manage the Transit Power Control Center, so he thinks he can arrange for the group to use the space for the fundraiser.

August returns to the train, thinking about her willingness to have hope again. She wants a place to belong and to be happy, and she feels like she has that with her roommates. She doesn’t know how to tell Jane how much she wants her to be in this life—or that she’s in love with her.

A week later, the Control Center is officially their venue. August goes with Wes to hang up flyers, seeing that he’s upset about something. When they’re done, he allows her into his room and onto the fire escape, and they share a joint of weed. She thinks about she has to tell Jane that she loves her. Wes tells her about how his family cut him off after he dropped out of school, and August confides everything that’s happened with her mom. He says that no one’s parents are perfect. It makes August realize that she’s never given her mother a break because her own parents were awful to her.

Knowing that Wes has been purposely not getting involved with Isaiah, August tries to tell Wes that she avoided getting together with Jane to try to skip the hurt she might feel. However, she decided that it was worth it, even though she thinks it may break her heart. She adds that Isaiah gets to decide what he wants and that Wes doesn’t get to do that for him even if he feels Isaiah deserves more than him.

The day before the fundraiser, August boards the Q and talks to Jane about the next day. Once they throw the power, Jane could go back in time, stay in the present, or die. Jane opts to believe it will be one of the first two possibilities.

Jane thanks August for all she’s done. She says that if she’s gone, August shouldn’t stay hung up on her forever. She should find someone who doesn’t underestimate her. They kiss, watching the sunset, and August says, “‘I was really lonely before I met you’” (356). Jane says that she was too.

Chapter 15 Summary

It’s seven hours before the party. Myla’s ex is there as one of the conditions of the event being held at the Control Center. When the party hits maximum capacity, Myla will snag Gabe’s security badge. August will meet Jane on the Q, Wes will act as a diversion, and Myla will overload the line.

Liquor, food, and drag performances have all been donated, and the venue quickly comes together. Altogether, they sold 2,000 tickets for the event, and August joins the line cooks next to Jerry to start making pancakes.

The party gets into full swing, and then it’s time for their heist to begin. Niko, Myla, Wes, August, and Jane all get on a group call. Myla goes over to Gabe, implying that she needs to talk to him alone. As they walk, Myla uses the noise of the party to disguise what she’s whispering into the phone, telling Niko that everything she’s saying to Gabe is a lie and that she loves him and plans on marrying him. Niko says he has a ring at home. Then, she mutes her phone.

In the closet, Myla pretends that she misses being with Gabe. However, Gabe talks about himself so much that Myla isn’t able to grab his badge. August decides to intervene and rams into him with a bucket of pancake batter. During the cleanup, August grabs his badge. She passes it to Niko and gets ready to leave.

Just before she walks, August almost gets pulled back onto the pancake line, but then Isaiah—as Annie Depressant—says that August had a brilliant idea. He will join the line making pancakes so as to increase tips. When her coworker disappears, August asks how he knew to step in. Annie explains that it’s clear from how nervous Wes is that something is going on. She doesn’t need to know what it is, but she can help.

Wes says that he’s in love with her, and they kiss. August goes off to the Q. Then, Wes sets a fire in a trashcan at the party. She and Jane walk from platform to platform until they reach the last car. Jane gives August her leather jacket, and August gives Jane a photo of them that Niko took at the Easter brunch.

When they reach the last stop, August asks if Jane will tell people about her, and Jane says that she will, that she’ll say there was a beautiful girl who smelled like pancakes and helped her remember who she was. August dials back into the call, and Myla tells her to get Jane in place. August and Jane kiss, and then August steps onto the final platform while Jane gets onto the third rail.

August wonders if this is her last chance. Wes told Isaiah he loves him. Niko and Myla are getting married, so she tells Jane that she fell in love with her twice: the day they met and the day Jane remembered everything. Jane replies and says that August is the love of her life.

Myla asks if she’s ready, and they confirm that they are. Myla kills the power, but when the emergency lights come on, Jane is still there. Myla says to wait for when she brings the power there. Jane looks tired since there is no power going from the line, and she says she doesn’t feel well. August tells her not to give up hope, reminding her that her emotions affect the light too.

Realizing that she has caused Jane to short out the lights on occasion, August hops down from the platform. She thinks she can help overload Jane’s power by standing with her. Jane doesn’t want her to, knowing that the third rail could kill August. August steps on Jane’s feet to avoid the rail, and the power surges again.

Chapter 16 Summary

August wakes up in the living room with Jane’s jacket around her. Wes and Isaiah found her on the platform and brought her home. Just as she and Jane kissed, there was a moment when August saw the past. Now, Jane is gone.

August’s life goes on. School starts again. Billy’s is $60,000 closer to being saved. August keeps the radio on all the time. Some of the songs are ones that Jane requested. One morning, a song comes on and the DJ says, “Normally we don’t take requests in advance, but this particular caller has been so loyal to us that when she called last week and asked if we’d play a song today, we decided to make an exception” (383). It’s “Love of My Life” from Jane, “just in case” (383).

August hasn’t looked up anything about Jane in the 1970s yet. She thinks about her own family. She spends the day at the beach near Coney Island wondering if Jane has made it home yet. When she returns home, Niko makes her a cup of tea and reminds her of the day they met and of how he touched her hands. He tells her that he saw that she “could make impossible things happen” (385) and that there was a lot of pain both behind and in front of her. He apologizes for not telling her sooner, and August says she wouldn’t have changed anything.

In October, Suzette comes to visit. She apologizes, and August thinks about all her mom has given her. August confides that she was seeing someone but doesn’t give too many specifics. Then, she reveals what she learned about Augie and that she has been following up on his life after he sent Jane the postcard. He had still passed away, but this happened in California in 1977.

Seeing her mother start to move on, August thinks that maybe she can let Jane go.

In November, Billy’s still needs $14,000 to stay open. Coincidentally, August’s check from her grandmother arrives, and it’s for $15,000. She doesn’t want the money, especially having learned how many letters from Augie her grandparents kept from Suzette. Finding the account numbers for Billy’s in the office, she anonymously sends the owner the money.

At work, Billy comes in and announces that they have enough money and that they’re buying their rented unit. After the last customer leaves, they start to celebrate. Her roommates come, and while August told no one what she did, Niko tells her, “‘You did good’” (392). August denies knowing what he means.

Billy toasts everyone, and then the front door opens. Jane is there. August grabs her, asking what happened. It’s only been a few seconds for her, and they embrace.

Chapter 17 Summary

Jane and August take a cab home, and they have sex, reveling in Jane’s being out of the subway and permanently in August’s life.

Myla later explains that “[t]ime […] isn’t perfect. It isn’t a straight line. It’s not neat and tidy. Things get crossed, overlap, splinter. People get lost. It’s not a precise science” (405).

Jane is happy and grateful to be with August, but sometimes she thinks about those she won’t ever see again. However, she settles into the present. She fits in immediately with their apartment. Eventually, after Myla gets Jane a fake ID, she gets a job at Billy’s.

One morning, Jane wakes up with a gray hair, and they remember that Jane’s mom went gray at 25 years old. It makes it real for them, since it means that Jane is aging, something she hasn’t done since she got stuck on the Q in 1977.

August graduates from college and decides to become a private investigator specializing in finding family members. In addition, she gives Jane a file on her own family. Both her sisters and her parents are alive, and her nephew is gay, married to another man. August suggests that they go on a trip to California.

A week later, they’re off. Isaiah, Wes, Myla, and Niko are all there. In California, they’ll meet Jane’s family and Augie’s old boyfriend (who has Jane’s records). Suzette is even making the trip out to be with them.

Jane says that she’s thinking of going back to using her real name, and August says that she’ll call her what she wants.

On the bus, August discovers a letter from Jane in her pocket that she wrote the night of the fundraiser.

Chapters 13-17 Analysis

As August, Jane, and their friends work to free Jane from the Q, Jane and August must both think about what might happen next, unsure of whether Jane will stay in the present or go back to the past. Myla has consistently pushed August to speak to Jane about her feelings and to not leave things unsaid. Ultimately, they decide to be together until they can’t be, signifying how August has come to accept that which she can’t control, a huge transition from the anxiety she felt over Myla’s decision to stop working as an engineer.

Additionally, the novel’s end resolves the theme Belonging to and with People, Places, and Times. August recognizes that she’s in love with Jane, and she wants to have a life with her. In addition, she feels definitively like a New Yorker; even during the three months that Jane is gone, August feels that she “lives here. That finally feels real all the time, even when nothing else does. This is the city where she got her heart broken. Nothing anchors a person to a place quite like that” (382). When it’s announced that Billy’s is saved and August’s roommates join in on the celebration, she thinks about how she came to New York by herself with the mindset “to muddle through like she always did, bury herself in the gray” (392). However, that day, “under the neon lights of the bar, under Niko’s arm, Myla’s fingers looped through her belt loop, she barely knows that feeling’s name” (392). Even without Jane, August has found a place where she belongs.

Finally, August is confident in herself and her abilities. When it comes time to restore the power to the Q line after the first surge doesn’t send Jane back, it’s August who jumps from the platform to stand on Jane’s feet, a dangerous position considering that Jane is standing on the third rail. This mirrors an earlier moment in which Jane convinced August to jump from car to car. At first, she’s nervous, but she trusts Jane. She wonders, “Why can’t she do the same for herself?” (163). She wants to trust herself, and at the end of the novel, she makes the leap entirely on her own, showing that she knows she can make a difference in Jane’s life. After she graduates from college, she also knows that her investigative strengths are an asset rather than a drawback, and she’s confident that she can use them to help other people.

The novel ends with August and Jane setting off on their new life together. As they board the bus for California, August thinks, “Maybe it’s insane to try this. Maybe there’s no way to know exactly how anything will turn out. Maybe that’s okay” (415). It’s an apt conclusion to the theme Having Hope and Being Okay with Whatever Happens, as August is much more comfortable than she was at the novel’s outset with uncertainty about the future.

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