87 Victorian Era Study Guides
Wild at Heart
Master Georgie
The Ballad Of Reading Gaol
The Lover
Winter Garden
The Odd Women
The Invisible Woman
The Poisoner
The Victorian Internet
New Grub Street
The Warden
Dombey and Son
Cometh Up as a Flower
The Underground Man
My Last Duchess
Meeting at Night
Lady Windermere's Fan
What Maisie Knew
The Old Curiosity Shop
Roderick Hudson
The Lady Of Shalott
What is Visible
Barchester Towers
Eminent Victorians
Murder as a Fine Art
Great Expectations
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Tipping the Velvet
Our Mutual Friend
Culture and Anarchy
Bleak House
The Moonstone
Oliver Twist
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Far From The Madding Crowd
The Woman in White
The Charge of the Light Brigade
A Woman of No Importance
The Return of the Native
Pickwick Papers
North and South
Agnes Grey
Hard Times
Jude the Obscure
The White Man's Burden
Silas Marner
Goblin Market
Dover Beach
The Mill on the Floss
Little Dorrit
Nicholas Nickleby
Fra Lippo Lippi
The Bostonians
Mary Barton
The Story of an African Farm
Vanity Fair
Barnaby Rudge
The Mayor of Casterbridge
An Ideal Husband
London Labour and the London Poor
At the Back of the North Wind
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime
The Way of All Flesh
Mrs. Warren's Profession
Aurora Leigh
Wives and Daughters
The Decay of Lying
Lady Audley's Secret
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Oscar Wilde
The Lifted Veil
Daniel Deronda
Idylls of the King
News from Nowhere
Sonnets from the Portuguese
The Ruby in the Smoke
She: A History of Adventure
Martin Chuzzlewit
The Old Nurse's Story
The Woodlanders