
53 pages 1 hour read


Arden of Faversham

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1592

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Scenes 2-8Scene Summaries & Analyses

Scene 2 Summary

On his way to London, Greene and a goldsmith named Bradshaw encounter Black Will, a man who served with Bradshaw in the military. Bradshaw warns Greene of Will’s infamous lack of morals; but secretly, Greene is pleased. Bradshaw tells Will he is facing trial for selling a stolen plate belonging to a nobleman, Lord Cheyne. He is heading to London to find the person who sold it to him. Since Will keeps company with criminals, Bradshaw describes the man. Will recognizes him immediately as Jack Fitten, who is already imprisoned in Newgate for another crime. Bradshaw is relieved and leaves to tell Lord Cheyne. Greene gives him a letter to deliver to Alice. Now alone with Will and his companion, Shakebag, Greene reveals his plan to murder Arden. Enticed by Greene’s offer of ten pounds upfront with twenty more to come, Will and Shakebag sign on.

Scene 3 Summary

Michael reads aloud a letter he composed to Susan. Arden and Franklin overhear him. Arden is annoyed both that Michael is wasting time composing love letters when he should be working and that Michael is attracted to Mosby’s sister. Arden says he will dismiss Susan from Alice’s service upon his return to Faversham.

Greene, Will, and Shakebag are nearby. Greene points out Arden and then leaves. While Will and Shakebag prepare to attack, an apprentice shutters his stall for the night, hitting Will’s head with the stall window. Will thinks an attempt is being made on his life; he and Shakebag draw their swords and a brawl ensues. Arden, Franklin, and Michael all leave, believing that the fray is a distraction so thieves can pickpocket distracted spectators. Greene re-enters, asking why he has just seen Arden still alive. Will and Shakebag recount the events, and Will vows not to clean his bloody brow until he holds Arden’s heart in his hands. Together they promise to find another place to kill Arden.

Michael re-enters and Greene recognizes him as Alice’s servant. Will suggests Michael serve as an accomplice, while Will deals the killing blow. Michael finds this agreeable and tells them he will leave the door to Arden’s house unlocked. After the other three leave, Michael soliloquizes about how he is troubled by his deception of Arden, but he knows that Will and Shakebag will kill him if he breaks his promise.

Scene 4 Summary

Arden again laments to Franklin about Alice’s unfaithfulness, though it is unclear whether he is more upset about his broken heart or being cuckolded so publicly. After Arden and Franklin go to bed, Michael laments at length over his torn allegiance to Arden on one hand and Susan on the other. He convinces himself that Will and Shakebag will kill him regardless of what he does, and he cries out, waking Arden and Franklin. He tells Arden and Franklin that he dreamed thieves entered the house. Arden checks the doors and, finding them unlocked, admonishes Michael for his negligence before returning to bed.

Scene 5 Summary

Will, Shakebag, and Greene arrive at Arden’s house. Greene excuses himself again while the other two go to commit the murder, but Will and Shakebag find the door locked. They realize Michael has betrayed them and pledge to get revenge in the morning.

Scene 6 Summary

The next morning, Arden gives Michael various tasks to carry out before meeting him and Franklin at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Arden recounts a dream wherein he saw snares set out to catch a deer only to realize that it was he who was being hunted. Franklin tells him that Michael’s dream the night before must have influenced him. Arden hopes Franklin is right but confesses that often his dreams prove true. The two arrange to follow the Thames’s tide down to Faversham.

Scene 7 Summary

Michael comes upon Greene, Shakebag, and Will. Michael spins a tale about carrying out his task only for Franklin to remember that he left something outside and then lock the doors on his way in. Michael says that he is checking the tides for Arden’s departure from London and says the three can carry out their murder at Rainham Down. Greene accepts this excuse and tells Michael to delay telling Arden about the tides so that he, Will, and Shakebag can get to Rainham Down before Arden does.

Scene 8 Summary

Mosby soliloquizes his disturbed thoughts: He was more content when he was poor before he accumulated social power and wealth. Now, he dreads his downfall. He thinks Greene, Michael, and Clarke will blackmail and manipulate him after Arden’s death, and he vows to kill them. He also mistrusts Alice, who he believes will betray him since she so easily betrayed Arden, and he plots to rid himself of her as well.

Alice enters, second-guessing the murder. She asks Mosby to forget their pact so she can return to being a faithful wife. Mosby recounts all he has sacrificed to be with Alice and how he grieves at seeing her true self, saying, “the rain hath beaten off thy gilt / Thy worthless copper shows thee counterfeit” (8.100-101). Alice says that her friends were correct in telling her that Mosby only loved her for her wealth but offers to do penance if he will forgive her. Mosby initially resists but is persuaded by her sweet words. The goldsmith Bradshaw enters with Greene’s letter, which says that he has not yet killed Arden but will do so soon.

Scenes 2-8 Analysis

These scenes introduce the rest of the play’s key conspirators, add further complexity to the botched attempts on Arden’s life, and introduce Mosby and Michael’s increasing doubt and paranoia.

The most notable characters introduced in these scenes are the ruffians Black Will and Shakebag. Describing the pair of criminals, Michael says that “two rougher ruffians never lived in Kent” (4.70). Bradshaw introduces them to Greene in the form of a warning. He says that it is widely known that Will “bears so bad a mind / That for a crown he’ll murder any man” (2.11-12). As such, Will and Shakebag’s characters illustrate the theme of Immorality for Individual Gain. They are chiefly motivated by money, and in fact, take pride in their work. They see themselves as professional murderers and criminals.

Despite this professionalism, Will and Shakebag introduce an element of slapstick comedy into the play, based on their interactions with one another and their failed attempts on Arden’s life. Will and Shakebag sometimes fight with one another in a way that detracts from their mission. When Will expresses drowsiness and a desire for the murder to be over with, Shakebag teases him mercilessly: “Nay then, let’s go to sleep when bugs and fears / Shall kill our courages with their fancy’s work” (5.19-20). He mockingly attributes Will’s professed drowsiness to fear. Will is offended by this insinuation and threatens to fight Shakebag once their task is done. In preparing to enter Arden’s house, Will says, “show me to this house, / Where thou shalt see I’ll do as much as Shakebag” (5.32-33). Committing the murder now becomes not only a job but an opportunity to one-up his companion.

This slapstick element persists through their attempts on Arden’s life. When they first prepare to kill him, a shop window closes on Will’s head. Will’s cries to “draw, Shakebag, draw” (3.49) cause a brawl among the tradesman that allows Arden to escape. Physical stage comedy such as this was often used to characterize ruffians as both comic and complex. Will and Shakebag call to mind Shakespeare’s infamously braggadocious and bumbling Falstaff.

In these scenes, it appears that providence somehow dictates Arden’s life and death. At every attempt on his life, Arden slips away none the wiser. And yet, unseen forces are always propelling him toward doom. Will claims that he has been divinely sanctioned since birth to take Arden’s life: “I am the very man / Marked in my birth-hour by the Destinies / To give an end to Arden’s life on earth” (3.152-154). He alludes to the Greek Fates, personifications of destiny who preside over mortals and their actions from birth to death.

Arden also feels providence affecting the course of his life, at least subconsciously. In Scene 6, he recounts a dream in which he is being hunted like a deer. The dream is so vivid, he says, that when he woke he “stood in doubt whether [he] waked or no” (6.29). Early modern English thought about dreams followed largely from classical sources, especially Plato, who held that people were given dreams so they could apprehend the truth. Franklin dismisses the dream, but the irony is that this dream is a providential warning: Arden is being hunted.

Finally, these scenes delve into the increasing doubt and paranoia felt by Michael and Mosby. Arden of Faversham is notable for its three-dimensional characters and their complexity of feeling. Characters experience a range of emotions rather than unflinching dedication to their cause. In Scene 4, Michael says that he feels “[c]onflicting thoughts emcampèd in my breast” (4.59). He feels guilt for promising to help kill Arden when Arden has been nothing but kind to him. However, he knows that Will and Shakebag “have sworn [his] death if [he] infringe [his] vow” (4.71). Michael’s panic in Scene 4 foreshadows his fatal paranoia in Scene 14.

Mosby, too, begins to develop paranoia in these scenes. In Scene 8, he reveals his “[d]isturbèd thoughts” and the “continual trouble of [his] moody brain” (8.1, 3). Mosby’s paranoia illustrates the theme of Class Tension and Social Mobility: only because he has climbed the social ladder and accumulated some wealth does he fear losing it. To preserve this, he will engage in Immoral Acts for Individual Gain. He plans to kill Greene, Clarke, Michael, and even Alice. He says, “such bees […] must never live to sting” (8.28). Once he takes Arden’s place, he believes these people will prey upon him for social mobility in turn, using their knowledge of the murder as leverage. As Scene 8 ends, characters grow increasingly frustrated with the failure of their plans, but simultaneously pledge their loyalty. Scene 8 ends with Mosby’s foreshadowing words to Alice: “I to the gates of death to follow thee” (8.166).

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